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Savannah Lakes Village's two 18-hole award-wining championship golf courses, carved from the rolling landscape wrapping Lake Thurmond, offer unique challenges and breathtaking vistas of the lake and piedmont forest.

Golf Programs

Savannah Lakes Village offers an extensive tournament and event program, including everything from non-handicapped events such as the Thursday evening "Fore Fun" group to fun and exciting championship style tournaments (check out the calendar and news sections below for upcoming events). Instruction programs are available throughout the year by PGA members.

Tee Times

Resident members click here to access the online reservation system. Non-resident members may call the golf shops for assistance in making tee times during their visit to Savannah Lakes Village.


Golfers click here to access our Handicap webpage. To login to the webpage follow the following steps: 1)For your username, Use the number (85848), your four digit handicap, and enter 0 at the very end. It should look something like this 8584812340. 2) For your password, type in your last name in All Caps and hit enter. You can change your username and password by going to the Profile tab and click edit profile. For assistance, the webpage offers a tutorial video to help navigate the site or you may contact our golf shops.